Bollywood star Akshay Kumar has served a Rs. 500 crore defamation suit against a YouTuber who named him in the Sushant Singh Rajput case. The YouTuber named Rashid Siddiqui was earlier arrested by the police for spreading fake news and dragging the name of Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray and his son and minister Aditya Thackeray in the case.
Reportedly, Siddiqui in his YouTube videos claimed that Akshay Kumar helped actress and Sushant Singh Rajput's girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty to escape to Canada. Siddiqui also said that Kumar had secret talks with Uddhav and Aditya Thackeray about SSR's death. The YouTuber further claimed that Akshay was unhappy with Sushant bagging the hit film MS Dhoni: The Untold Story.
As per reports, Rashid Siddiqui earned over Rs. 15 lakhs in four months with his videos on Sushant Singh Rajput's death case. He is a 25-year-old civil engineer from Bihar. His YouTube channel FF News grew immensely in the last few months owing to the controversial content he put up. He was initially arrested by the police after an advocate from Shiv Sena' legal cell filed a case against him. He was later granted anticipatory bail and was asked to cooperate with the investigation.
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