Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi, who was last seen in Bachchhan Paandey, will have surgery at a Mumbai’s hospital on Wednesday. The actor called in sick on the set of director-producer-writer Abhishek Dogra's crime comedy Jeevan Bheema Yojana on Tuesday. He paid a brief visit to his doctor, who likely advised him to schedule surgery for the next day.
According to the reports, the Munna Bhai MBBS actor is scheduled to have surgery for a kidney stone after being hospitalised to a suburban hospital near his home. According to an individual close to the production crew who spoke to the portal, Arshad had been restless for several days.
Jeevan Bheema Yojana is a criminal comedy starring Vijay Raaz, Bijendra Kala, Sanjeeda Sheikh, and Pooja Chopra. The story revolves around Jeevan and Bheema, two identical-looking people from radically different worlds whose paths cross, causing a slew of issues. Arshad has been filming for this project since mid-March. He was scheduled to finish the schedule in a few days.
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