Global icon Deepika Padukone introduced “Ashwagandha Bounce” moisturizer and “Patchouli Glow” sunscreen drops, as the inaugural product line of her recently launched self-care brand, 82°E. On Tuesday, the actress hosted a live chat session with her fans to talk about her self-care brand. During the same, she candidly opened up about finding the correct name for it.
“I'm sure all of you saw the campaign build-up over the last couple of days the brand is called 82 East. Some of you have read that ad to East is the longitude that runs through India. And it really I think when we went through a whole bunch of options, it just felt absolutely correct for where I am in my life and what we wanted to say through this brand that we are truly proud of who we are as a nation as a country and also our relationship with the rest of the world. So it's a very, very special name,” said the actress.
Explaining why she picked self-care as her entrepreneur journey, DP asserted, “It's something that has been very personal to me a journey that I've learned and discovered through trial and error over a period of time and I've reached a stage in my life where I don't prioritize anything more than myself care. Skincare has been an extremely important part of my self-care ritual. It's you know, it's that time in the morning when I just have those few moments to myself. Healthy skin is something that I'm really passionate about.”
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During her live chat, the Chennai Express actress also spoke about how after many years and years of just conversation, today there's “something tangible” on the table.
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