Following 19 weeks of living in the Bigg Boss house, the 16th instalment of Salman Khan hosted show concluded on Sunday night with rapper MC Stan winning the season. Khan announced the Pune-based rapper as the winner with Shiv Thakare coming out as the first runner-up. The winner received a trophy of the Bigg Boss 16, a cash prize of Rs 31.8 lakh and a Hyundai Grand i10 Nios. Upon winning the trophy, the rapper said that she didn't expect this win at all. After coming out of the Bigg Boss 16 house, Stan told India Today, "No, I wasn't expecting that. I thought my brother (Shiv) would win the show. Hum dono mein aisi baat hui thi ki ya toh woh jeetega ya main jeetunga. Humara end tak yahi tha. I feel all 16 contestants deserved to win the show." "Aisa scene nahi tha, contestants gave us the tag of mandali. We took it in a healthy way. We were like friends, mandali is just a tag. I could practically connect with Sajid sir. I have considered a lot of his pieces of advice. I got to learn a lot from him and from Abdu and Shiv as well," he said. MC Stan, whose real name is Altaaf Shaikh, came with a huge fanbase and had the most engaging fans during the entirety of the show. He announced a new album is coming out at the finale of the show. View this post on Instagram A post shared by MC STΔN ???? (@m___c___stan) ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 16: Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan song ‘Naiyo Lagda’ releases at the finale; Salman Khan and Pooja Hegde romance
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