Another Bollywood pair is getting hitched. Shershaah co-stars Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani are all set to tie the knot on February 7 instead of February 6. Turns out, the bride-to-be Kiara reached Suryagarh Palace on February 4 afternoon ahead of her wedding festivities. She was joined by designer Manish Malhotra. Sidharth Malhotra and his family reached Jaisalmer on Saturday evening whereas celebrities reached on Sunday. It seems like the wedding festivities began on February 5 with mehendi followed by the haldi ceremony in the morning and the sangeet ceremony on February 6 evening and wedding rituals will take place on February 7. As per a report in India Today, “A special performance has been organised by family members for the couple. Apart from the couple dancing to their hit numbers, the playlist for the evening includes Kala Chashma, Bijli, Rangisaari, Disco Deewane, and Nachne De Saare, among others.” On Sunday, Karan Johar, Shahid Kapoor, Mira Rajput, and Isha Ambai reached Jaisalmer. Bollywood Hungama reported on Saturday that Kiara Advani’s brother Mishaal Advani is set to perform a special song for the couple. “As it is known that Kiara is very close to her brother Mishaal, the latter has made a song for the Shershaah pair. He will perform it during the sangeet ceremony.” Mishaal is a rapper, composer and music producer and he released his first track ‘Know My Name’ in November 2022. On the work front, Kiara Advani was last seen in Govinda Naam Mera. She will next star in Satyaprem Ki Katha alongside Kartik Aaryan and RC15 with South superstar Ram Charan. Meanwhile, Sidharth Malhotra was most recently seen in Mission Majnu. He has the Rohit Shetty cop series Indian Police Force as well as Yodha with Raashii Khanna and Disha Patani slated for release. ALSO READ: Sidharth Malhotra – Kiara Advani Wedding: Karan Johar, Shahid Kapoor, Mira Rajput leave for Jaisalmer to join marriage festivities
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