Prime Video, India’s most loved entertainment destination, today unveiled the intriguing teaser of the upcoming crime drama, Amazon Original series, Dahaad. The series is created by Reema Kagti and Zoya Akhtar and is directed by Kagti along with Ruchika Oberoi. Produced by Excel Media & Entertainment and Tiger Baby and Executive Produced by Ritesh Sidhwani, Farhan Akhtar along with Reema Kagti and Zoya Akhtar, Dahaad features Sonakshi Sinha, Vijay Varma, Gulshan Devaiah, and Sohum Shah in the lead.
Dahaad is an 8-part crime drama that follows sub-inspector Anjali Bhaati and her colleagues in a small town police station. It all starts when a series of women are mysteriously found dead in public bathrooms, Sub-Inspector Anjali Bhaati is tasked with the investigation. At first, the deaths appear to be clear-cut suicides but as the cases unravel, Anjali begins to suspect that a serial killer is on the loose. What follows is a riveting game of cat and mouse between a seasoned criminal and an underdog cop as she pieces together evidence before another innocent woman loses her life.
Dahaad marks the digital debut of Sonakshi Sinha in which she plays a fierce lady cop, who strives to solve a gruesome murder case. The teaser dives deeper into the case unveiling the suspected murders of 27 women, with no complaints or witnesses, as one woman – sub-inspector Anjali Bhaati, rises against the crime and brings justice.
“Dahaad’s thrilling storyline and incredible performances are the true standouts of the crime drama. The world that Reema and Zoya had envisioned for this story, truly required grit and coherence; and they have delivered that in spades,” said Ritesh Sidhwani, Co-Producer, Excel Entertainment. “After the success of Made in Heaven, Mirzapur and Inside Edge, we are sure to create a thunderous roar with yet another successful partnership with Prime Video and give audiences across the world a chance to immerse in yet another exhilarating journey.”
“Dahaad has been a truly rewarding experience. This series is extremely special for all of us and has been brought to life masterfully by Sonakshi, Vijay, Gulshan and Soham,” said Creator, Director, and Co-Producer of the series Reema Kagti. “The response that we received for the series at Berlinale 2023 was very promising and we are looking forward to bringing this series to our audiences across the globe.”
Also Read: Sonakshi Sinha, Vijay Varma, Zoya Akhtar & team Dahaad strike a pose on the red carpet of Berlin International Film Festival 2023, see pics
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